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Rhapsodies of Rhyme Writing Contest 2023
Rhapsodies Of Rhyme: The wait is finally over! Through the pages of our anthology ‘Rhapsodies Of Rhyme’, we, at Wingless Dreamer Publishers attempted to celebrate the immortality of art and literature.
For this edition, we decided to eradicate the barriers of ‘Themed’ poetry and welcomed all genres of poetry with open arms.
We hope that the participants enjoyed the process as much as we did. We are utterly grateful for the overwhelming support that we have received and wholeheartedly hope that we continue to be on the receiving end of your love and support. - Enakshi Ganguly, Editor

Unveiling the power of words: Rhapsodies of Rhyme winner announcement
The Crown of the ‘Rhapsodies Of Rhyme’ contest belongs to :
Phantom Lover- Kathleen Chamberlin
Kathleen Chamberlin is a retired educator, living in Albany, New York. She began writing creatively during the quarantine period of Covid-19. In addition to writing, she enjoys gardening, genealogy, and grandchildren.
Light up the town for our runner-ups:
Just Out Of Reach- RT Notaro
R.T. Notaro is a news photographer/writer/producer. R.T. has been nominated for three Emmy Awards with one win along with two AP News Awards. When not writing R.T. can be found cooking, reading or trying to improve on guitar. R.T. writes on a variety of topics because nothing should be off-limits.
Using Up My Words- Asha Loon
Asha Loon is an 18-year-old poet from South Africa. Her poetry speaks to the idea that nothing exists alone – there is an undeniable sense of interconnectedness within every seemingly mundane aspect of our lives. She explores the themes of light and dark, nature, identity, the duality of human existence, and finding meaning in the ordinary.
Blow the trumpet and beat the drums for our finalists:
Season’s Of Mine- Miranda Clarity
Miranda Clarity is an emerging poet currently living in California. She has been writing poetry since the age of 12, and is now at age 39, getting her poetry published to spread messages of truth, beauty and peace during these turbulent times in the world. Her work was recently accepted by Musing Publications, the Stardust Review and the Academy of the Heart and Mind and is scheduled for publication in the Spring.
Woman on the Beach-Nicholas A Demmy
Nicholas A Demmy is a writer who lives in El Paso, Texas. His work has appeared in Half & One.
The Undead Warlock- Lauren Roman
Lauren Roman was born in small town Las Cruces, New Mexico with a big imagination. After a steady nurturing of bedtime stories from her mother, Lauren developed a passion for storytelling. When she was in college, four of her poems were featured in the Crimson Thread Magazine along with her science-fiction short story, “Astra”. For Halloween, one of her stories, “The Witch’s Eye” was read aloud on the local radio across campus. In addition, as a final farewell, Holy Hen House Magazine chose her poem, “The Wild Wood”, to feature in their final printed issue. Currently, she is working on a novel and is continuing her passionate pursuit of the fantasy, sci-fi genre.
Questions Of The Soul- R.Olaf Erich
R. Olaf Erich is a German born American poet, author and writer from the mid-western part of the United States. He is a 12 year veteran of the USMC, where he proudly and honorably served. He has degrees in Religious Studies and Environmental Ethics. R. Olaf Erich has been writing for decades and was first published in 1977. Since then he has had several dozen poems published by generous publishers such as, Wingless Dreamer, Eber & Wein Publishers, and The Closed Eye Open, just to name a few recent events. He continues to write and is now focused on getting more of his work out to the public by being published in magazines, ezines, and anthologies. He enjoys writing and feels it is important for everyone to be heard. If one is shy and does not want to be heard, at least feel they share some emotionality, spirituality or mentality with others. This is an important part of writing – especially poetry.
Eccedentesiast- Kristen Munro
K.G. Munro is an author and poet. A few of her writing credits are as follows: Oddball Magazine, Poetry Potion, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Muddy River Review, Splendeur Magazine, Green Ink Magazine, Feversofthemind.

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